Tuesday, December 27, 2011

CHIJ - St.Theresa Convent School and Happy New Year

One of bigger project in Dec 2011 is CHIJ-St. Theresa Convent School where they are installing 29 units of FS20 Fin'Lock for Students and Staff Time Attendance plus 22 rooms access control. On the right photo shows the FS20 Fin'Lock use to control the access at the school side gate.
The staff will use their fingers to access this side-gate for both IN and OUT access.  The photo on the right show another FS20 mounted inside of the side gate with a cover to protect it from rain and shine. This is to show that our fingerprint readers can be mounted out-door with the necessary protection like the perspex cover to shelter from rain and shine.

Two units of the FS20 fingerprint reader was mounted at the school entrance so as students can clock in once they alight from their transportation. Again you see that we have provided a perspex cover for protection as there are plants above the units thus there will be watering. 

Installation was a big challenge to our team due to the very high ceiling at the main entrance to the General Office. Laying the cables in the drop-ceiling presents a big issue as there are no ladder for more than 15 steps. We overcome this problem with our innovative solution as show in the photo on the right.  So if you are considering installing the fingerprint Time Attendance for your schools, organizations or offices, just call Hense Technology, we provide the solutions no matter how challenging.
Finally wishing all our Partners and Customers,

A Prosperous and Rewarding New Year in 2012


Friday, December 2, 2011

Update for Nov 2011 - Kensington Park, Subway and CHIJ - St.Theresa

Some updates in November :

We have won the project to install fingerprint Time Attendance and Access control systems at CHIJ - St Theresa - total of 27 units and installation just started - watch out for the photos next month.

One of our new customers is a Subway franchise in Singapore and has deployed the FS80 USB fingerprint scanner for their outlets for staff time attendance.

Here is one of our FS20 fingerprint system installed in a condo unit in Kensington Park, Serangoon.  With the acceptance of fingerprint technology, our fingerprint readers are finding new areas like private apartments and houses.

Owner is happy with the system as the family do not need to bring keys especially for the kids and maid. They family can go to the swimming without worrying about bring the door keys and upon return with wet fingers, the fingerprint reader works and enter the unit with ease.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sheng Siong Supermarket - embracing Hense's Fingerprint Technology for Access Control, Time Attendance,

One of our customers in October is Sheng Siong Supermarket, who is a forwarding looking supermarket chain embracing new technology like Fingerprint technology throughout their operations for enhanced security, accurate staff salary computation and productivity. 

We have completed our FS20 Fingerprint Readers installation in Sheng Siong HQ at Mandai Link for access control to their offices and stores. The left photo shows the FS20 Fingerprint reader mounted at the 3rd floor main access to the offices in the building. A difficult installation as the wiring need to be hidden and also the two glass doors are higher than most office doors but we managed to complete the installation to cusotmer's expectation.

Also, Sheng Siong's IT team is currently using our FS80 USB fingerprint scanner to explore other applications in their operation to enhance security. More updates in due course.

Sheng Siong has started using our competitor's fingerprint system for their staff time attendance at the outlets as shown in the left photo,  ZK Software LED scanner model. However, for this system, the data need to be downloaded into the USB thumbdrive and individually uploaded to HR server as they are not networked, unlike the FS20 readers that are network-based, so the data at each outlet are sent directly to the server database in Sheng Siong HQ. Also, there are issues with staff fingerprint with this reader as staff do have wet fingers after handling the cold/wet items. Thus, we have started to replace this LED fingerprint scanner with Hense FS20 Fingerprint Reader and will be deployed in phases to all Sheng Siong outlets.

Photo shows the transition phase with two different fingerprint readers mounted, notice the FS20 is this enclosure while the ZK model will be removed.

So, here is another example that Futronic Fingerprint readers outperforms our competitors with features like network-based linking to central server, robust and reliable scanner module and a technology that can handle wet, dry, oily and dirty fingers. Convinced? then contact Hense Technology for a full demo before you install your fingerprint system.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Replacement of LED based Fingerprint Reader with Futronic FS20 at a Factory

We have tried to educate fingeprint technology users that not all fingerprint scanners have the same quality and reliability, silicon based scanners of course are easier damaged while LED scanner with membrane have reliability issues. Here is a customer who has used a LED based fingerprint readers but the scanner keeping getting damaged due to membrane drying up and scratches. We have successfully replaced these LED fingerprint readers with Futronic FS20 Reader which uses a maintenance-free scanner based on optical glass prism without any membrane.

Competitor's Fingerprint reader using LED scanner with membrane

Replaced with Futronic FS20 Readers using the same enclosure and the original cables including the ethernet cables.

Left Photo shows original competitor unit at the security guardhouse and was replaced with Futronic FS20 Reader using the same mounting and cables as shown on the Right Photo.

So, customers who are still using the membrane based LED Fingerprint scanners, you have the option to change to the more robust, reliable and maintenance-free Optical Glass prism Fingerprint Readers from Futronic using existing mounting and cabling as shown in this project.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Customer NBE at Natural Cool Building

One of our customer NBE International at Natural Cool Building is using a Single FS20 Fingerprint Reader to control two separate doors to the office.

In this case, the staff can enter the office by either doors after presenting their finger on the reader.

Another innovative idea from Hense Technology. If you have an specific or special requirement on the fingerprint technology, do contact us for a discussion. I am confident that you will be surprised at the many applications you can do with your fingers.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Another customer - Goodrich the wallpaper specialist

Our latest customer, Goodrich the wallpaper and wall covering specialist has chosen our FS20 Fingerprint Reader for their staff Time Attendance and Access Control. Location is at their corporate building in Changi South.

Here is one of the location at the entrance to their gallery, look at the beautiful wall covering where the FS20 Fingerprint Reader is mounted. 8 units were installed in the GoodRich building where 2 units are strictly for Time Attendance and 6 units for access to key locations including the stores. The fingerprint TA help them to automate their payroll which is very complex as they have many staff on different shifts plus overtime since they can work during odd hours.

Well, the name itself reflect the success of the company GOOD n RICH.

More Unauthorized access to HDB Rooftops

Just reported in the past 3 days, more authorized access to HDB roof tops. So will changing to high quality locks about S$50 each prevent future unauthorized access? Can people still prise open the latches with the change to high quality locks? Well, following photos tells the truth:

Notice lock latch is incorrectly mounted.

For older roof top access, here are the concerns:
Photos from OMY and Stomp.

Certainly, to spend $10M on the lock change, it can be used to upgrade to a more secure, automated and efficient biometric system.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Foolproof system to control the access to HDB rooftop and pump room - Trial Done

In the past week, the discovery of a maid body in Woodland HBD block water tank highlights the urgent need for foolproof system to control and manage the access of rooftops and pump rooms rather than the traditional method of signing out physical keys from town council offices. A similar incident back in 2003 whereby some kids pouedr soap powder at the water pump room sparkled off a serious debate to have an automated secure and foolproof system to manage the access in HDB blocks.

Hense Technology with another partner did a Trial project as a POC with East Coat Town Council to secure the rooftops and pump rooms of 4 HDB blocks in Simei in 2007/8 with the following features:
- Authorized personnels will have their fingers registered in the Town Council system and only they can open the rooftop access or the pump rooms
- All access to the rooftops and pump rooms are installed with fingerprint readers that is linked to the Town Council systems using broadband/3G network. This allows real-time control of these access control point by the town council management staff
- The time period to whom and which group of workers allow to access the rooftops are set and managed by the town council staff. Example if group a with supervisor Mr X is allowed to block 123 at 10am to 2pm, then the access permission will be set in the system and after 2pm Mr X and team cannot access the rooftop.

- No physical keys to signout at town council offices and contractors do not need return or make spares key.
- There is no need to have to change locks when the keys are missing or any breach in the access, saving of thousands of dollars in locks and keys replacement
- All the access records are tracked real-time at the Town Council office thus any future need to trace the access personnel on a particular day is in the database.
- For added security, door sensors can be added with the system such as when any doors or access are forced or left open accidentally, it will sound an alarm locally and also an alarm to the Town Council office.
 So, if the various town councils are keen to review this foolproof fingerprint access control management systems for their HDB blocks to secure the access to rooftops/watertanks and water pump rooms, we are ready to demo the full effectiveness and secure features. With automated systems, town councils will no longer need to manage the huge numbers of keys to so many locks to highly secured areas like rooftops and pump rooms. This system will payoff itself in the long run with no more locks and key replacement cost plus the added security features.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fingerprint Time Attendance at Security office

One of our latest project is at Shun Li Industrial Building, here the management decides to ensure security guards show up on time for shift, they have installed a FS20 TA system. Now all the IN/OUT time of the security guards and staff are physically captured with their fingerprint and data storage in the PC.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Vietnam Customers and Installation - Happy Lunar New Year

First, Happy Lunar New Year to all our readers and Gong Xi Fa Cai. 

In the past weeks, our Vietnam operation did two more installations in Ho Chih Minh city and here are the photos:
  In SMC, we installed the FS20 at two rooms with sliding doors plus a unit for Time Attendance for the local staff.

Another customer is Royal Blue which does training and consultancy in the heart of HCM. They installed a FS20 system to control the access to the office at the upper floor.

Next destination for us is Hanoi, will update in the next entry with our customers there.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Construction Site Workers Access Control - Innovative Installation

Just want to highlight this worksite worker access control and time attendance system installed by our partner Auto Systems as it is an innovative way to use one fingerprint reader for IN and OUT.

Photo shows the installation of the gate and fingerprint reader, note the opening at the side of the gate.  This is to allow the worker to put the hand through the opening and put the finger on the reader when they are at the outside.

Close-up photo of the FS20 fingerprint reader installation. So, we can use this innovative solution to use a single reader for IN and OUT control which is cost-effective and efficient. There is no push button for Exit. BTW, this site is at the new condo site, Cube-8 at Thomson. Hope this example will give our customers and partners new ideas to use the fingerprint technology.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year and 2011 Installation - Loyang Secondary School

Happy New Year to all our readers of this fingerprint blog and wishing all a Fruitful 2011 ahead.

Well, late Dec and in Jan 2011, we are busy with schools' project and one of them is at Loyang Secondary School.
This school is in Pasir Ris and they have installed 11 units of the FS20 Fin'Lock units in the general office, staff rooms, HOD rooms, Labs and special function rooms. As the tender was awarded in late Dec, Hense Technology managed to complete the installation and commission of all the 11 units in 5 days just in time for the new school year.

Photo shows the FS20 Fin'Lock installed at the General Office. It replaced the previous fingerprint unit from competitor that is inferior in performance.

This photo shows our additional service offered to remove the competitor fingerprint reader from the General Office to a special room as the usage of the room is limited so the inferior performance can be tolerated.

Another school reference for our potential schools considering to use fingerprint technology for access control and time attendance.