Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nicole Green Condo - Using Fingerprint Technology for Residents Access

Nicole Green is a condo in the east side of Singapore and the management has selected Hense Technology to be the supplier for their fingerprint access control system for the residents. This will provide better security for the residents as now only registered residents can enter the condo.

 A total of 5 units of the FS21M fingerprint readers were installed with one unit at each lift lobby (four lobbies) and one unit at the main entrance.  As shown in the photo on the right, the fingerprint reader is mounted at the lift lobby entrance next to the intercom. So should an outsider enter the condo area, he/she is still unable to go up to the resident floors as the lift lobby is secured only allowing registered residents to access with the FS21M fingerprint readers.
Since the Futronic FS21M is splash-proof, it is installed at the main gate in the outdoor with a protective cover. As shown in the photo, the clear cover provides the user easy access for the finger and also shield it from rain. This Nicole Green and the NJC installation shows our Fingerprint Readers can be mounted outdoor.

Now, residents of Nicole Green can feel more secure knowing only registered residents can only access their condo area inspite being near to a high activity area (Geylang).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov Installation - National Junior College Staff Rooms and Student Time Attendance

One of our latest installation is at National Junior College (NJC) with our partner Simplex, for access control for Staff Rooms, HOD rooms and General office plus Students' Time Attendance with SMS notifications.

HOD Room and Staff Room main access with FS20 Fingerprint unit. This unit is mounted outdoor with a presentable cover.

Students' Time Attendance System from the EZ-link card readers to the biometric Fingerprint Readers.

Six FS20 Fingerprint Readers were installed at the various strategic locations NJC where students will come through like the main lobby, canteen and hostel entrance.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Vietnam Customer - My Duc and Aquarius by the Park

Our first Vietnam customer is My Duc a public listed ceramic tile manufacturer, who will be using the FS20 reader for their 300++ employees for Time Attendance.

Our latest project is at Aquarius by the Park at the Bedok Reservoir where the management office is using the FS20 for staff Time Attendance. Due to the many bad press about fingerprint technology in other projects, the management wants to ensure they are satisfied with Hense's solution before moving to access control for the condo.

Photo on the right shows Eric doing the installation of the FS20 unit after cabling has been completed.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Expanding to Vietnam

Well we have been busy with other projects including our expansion to Vietnam. For those who have not been to Ho Chi Minh City before or lately, there have been much changes including a new modern airport and new under construction 68-storeys commerical builiding in downtown (photo on the right).
Even the National ID card will be changed from using the paper to high tech laminated plastic card with 2D barcode and two thumbprints. So watch out for the next Asia rising dragon - Vietnam.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Futronic Fin'Lock units withstand vandalism and water abuse at school

We will not mention which school but it shows what students can do to new installation of fingerprint units and fortunately for Hense, the robust and reliable design of the Fin'Lock are able to withstand these abuses. The photo shows the metal enclosure being forced to open and the rubber installation taken out.,

With enclosure forced open slightly, the students must have poured water into the enclosure as the photo shows water all over the FS21M Fin'Lock unit when enclosure is opened. Well, the unit was still functioning inspite of the water and it shows the robustness and reliability of the Futronic Fin'Lock,

Even the Break Glass unit also sufferred the same fate of being abused. Photo shows the glass being broken on the break glass unit.   In summary, this shows the Futronic Fin'Lock can be used in the worst environment and situation, contact Hense Technology for a full demo or more information.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fingerprint technology deployment at HDB blocks - Enhanced security

This post will showcase the Fingerprint technology being used in HDB blocks to enhanced security to the Roof-top and Pump Room. On the right are two photos showing the FS21M being used as access control to the HDB Pump Room and the Roof-top. The site is at Simei in the eastern part of Singapore.
These fingerprint units FS21M are ethernet connected to a 3G modem/router that is linked to the Town Council office using 3G and access controls are managed at the Town Council (TC) office. The authorized person's fingerprint are sent to the FS21M readers at their scheduled time so as the TC is assured of the correct authorized person accessing either pump room or rooftop of respective HDB blocks. This eliminates the needs to have stong locks and multiple keys which enhanced the security and create a saving without the need to duplicate keys and buying more locks.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Realtime Report of workers in Tunnel, Work Sites - Downtown Line MRT

Shanghai Tunnel, the contractor of Downtown MRT line is our latest customer using the FS20 Fingerprint units with 3G modems for their tunnelling worksites at Marina Bay, Raffles and Nicoll Highway.
The application is to track who are the workers in each of the tunnel worksite and a realtime report on who are in the worksite can be generated with a click of button at the HQ server. IN and OUT readers are mounted at the guard house as shown here.
This photo shows the actual operation at site, workers going into the tunnel will have to be clocked in using his finger and when he leave the worksite he will clock out using his finger. At HQ, management can have access the real-time report on all the workers in the tunnel, how many and who are they. If you have a need to track workers at your worksite, you can consider to use this efficient and effective system.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

USB based Fingerprint Scanners from Hense Technology

This is the general purpose FS80 USB based Fingerprint Scanner. It is cost effective and durable using a tampered glass prism with Infra-red LEDs for the lighting. The most visible applications for this scanner in Asia includes Singapore's Mustafa Center where there a FS80 on every single Cashier and also for the membership registration.
This the FS88 Fingerprint Scanner that is FBI certified to meet the PIV 071006 Standard Image Quality. It is also US Government GSA approved and GSA logo are printed on the FS88 now. The certified fingerprint scanner is suitable for border control, e-Passport, government related projects and national elections.

Here is the smaller and portable version of the FS80 which we call it the FS90. Same USB fingerprint scanner but half the size of the FS80 and a short USB cable. The FS90 is targeted for portable applications to be used with PDAs, smartphones, and netbooks. It can be carried by the user just like a mouse and only plug to the media as needed.
The FS25 USB Fingerprint Scanner with Mifare Card Reader and Writer is the only fingerprint scanner available in the market that integrate the Mifare reader/writer. This 2-in-1 fingerprint scanner is targetting applications like physical asset tagging like rifle tagging, notebook tagging, implement fingerprint template on card and match on card applications.
The FBI Certified FS50 Dual Finger scanner supports single, dual and rolled fingers. The large scanning window ofr 40mm X 38mm allows users to capture rolled fingerprints and dual fingerprints in one action. Key applications includes border control, national ID cards, driver license card, national election and e_Passport.
The FBI certified FS60 scanner is what the industry term as ten-print or 4-4-2 scanner where it is used to capture all the ten fingers of a person (maybe 9 or 11 fingers for some). This type of scanner are generally used for applications like national ID, election registration of voters, finger-printing criminals for database and e_Passport of course.

So, there you have it, ALL the various USB based fingerprint scanners from Hense Technology, from single finger models to the professional Ten-print scanners. Have a fingerprint question - contact me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Futronic FS88 Fingerprint Scanner used in iNETS Kiosk throughout Singapore

If you have been taking the MRT or going to CPF offices, you will notice that the bright Red and White iNETS Kiosk at MRT stations and CPF offices. This iNETS kiosk provide users of iNETS card a convenient way of topping up the iNETS card, pay bills using iNETS, personalize your iNETS account with your finger. Yes, how cool to use your finger to logon the iNETS instead of the passwords!

This photo shows the FS88 Fingerprint scanner mounted on the left side of the kiosk. This is a higher quality scanner that has been certified by FBI to meet the PIV specifications for image quality and GSA approved for US government agency to use. In Sept 09, I highlight a highly visible project at Mustafa Center for their membership card using FS80 which is now on all the cashiers' POS system.
This implementation of the fingerprint technology using Futronic products in iNETS kiosks throughout Singapore is a testimony to the acceptance and endorsement of our quality and reliability.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Installations in Mar - EM Services, Raffles Academy, Oak Cellars

March has been a busy month for us with new installation like Raffles Academy off Orchard Road. They have installed a FS20 Time Attendance System to capture their students attendance. Hope to expand to the other Raffles' sites soon.
Another installation is in the Universal Studio Sentosa for a wine retailer, Oak Cellars at the Festivewalk. They are using the FS20 for both Access Control and Time Attendancee for their Sentosa outlet staff. Oak will be using this system for all their outlets across Singapore
EM Services, one of the service provider to HDB and you will see their logo on lifts and some carparks. We installed the FS20M system on every floor of their EMS building in Bukit Merah. In the next post, we will showcase all the fingerprint scanners and their applications in Singapore.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jurong Sec School - Another MOE project for full Fingerprint System for Time Attendance and Access Control

Well, at the beginning of Mar, I wrote about the MOE project at Crescent Girls School to wire up all the classrooms for fingerprint access control and Time Attendance. Now, together with our partner Simplex Consultants, we have been awarded another school in the West - Jurong Secondary School.

For Jurong Sec School (JSS), the project is even bigger than Crescent Girls with 80 fingerprint readers for the classrooms and staff rooms, 152 sets of EM-lock  and 12 Time Attendance with Temperature Kiosks.
All the hardware including the Fingerprint Units, EM-lock sets, backup batteries and metal casings have been delivered and stored in JSS. Installation should commence in early April to wire practically the whole school.

Installation of all the fingerprint units at Crescent Girls should complete by the end of Mar and Simplex will decide the schedule on the commission of the whole system.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MOE - Complete Time Attendance with Temperature recording and Access Control System for Schools - Crescent Girls School

Hi Everyone, took time off from the blog entry due to the Chinese New Year holidays and hope all of you had a good reunion dinner and family/friends gathering over CNY.
Well, it is back to work now and to kickoff the Tiger Year, Hense Technology together with our software partner Simplex Consultants were awarded the MOE tender to wire up Crescent Girls School with our FS21M Fin'lock for access control for all rooms (total 70 units) and another 10 fingerprint kiosks for student's Time Attendance with Temperature recording.  What a Roaring start to the Tiger Year!

Crescent Girls School, one of the prominent girls schools in Singapore located off Tanglin Road is our latest installation for 70 units of FS21M Fin'Lock and 10 Fingerprint Kiosks. Installation work started on Mar 1 and will take a month to complete.

This is a MOE project for this model school to use fingerprint access control for all the classroms and staff rooms. Massive project covering 70 rooms and 8 blocks. Photo show the classrom installation.

   The school has a wall poster that shows their alumni that include Ms Ho Ching, Ms Lim Hwee Hua, Ms Nanz Chong, Singer Stella Huang, etc.

Well, we will be busy for Mar and Apr as we may also be awarded another school project with the similar scale.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

UITM Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor

UITM is another installation we did this month with our Malaysia partner IBS. The location is Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor near Segamat and it is for staff attendance.
They have installed 5 units of FS20 Fin'Lock starting at the General Office and will be installing another 7 units per the Registrar for all the departments in the coming months. We were there to resolve an installation glitch and system is up running in no time.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Singapore Airshow 2010

Hi, got some trade visitor tickets to the airshow thanks to Eric and visited the NEW and IMPRESSIVE Changi Exhibition centre which is way out on the reclaimed land alongside the Changi Airport runway.
ST Kinetics, the weapon division of ST Engg exhibited the new and improved SAR21A. It is lighed and also allows more add-ons. Significant dfferences from the earlier SAR21.

Another interesting weapon ST Kinetics produce is the Personal Compact Weapon which is between a pistol and sub-machine gun. Light weight with a short range of 40-50m and a plastic transparent magazine. Check it out.

Well watch out for China's aviation industry! Here are two examples, first a commerical jet by COMAC model is C919 and the fighter jet model FC-1. So soon we besides buying China-made car, we will be flying in China-made jets and protected by China-made fighter planes...........

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ministry of Manpower MOM - Employment Pass Centre

This is the new MOM office for Employment Pass Centre in The Riverwalk at Upper Circular Road. If you don't know the location, it is between Boat Quay and Clarke Quay.

At this MOM centre, we installed 5 units of the FS20 for door access in their backend offices and the server room. This project is through NEC Asia completed in June 2009.